Test run statistics for test runs on https://github.com/curl/curl

Report generated Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:20:44 +0000 covering runs over the past 30 days.

Days of stats: 30
Most recent run: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 22:30:42 +0000
Oldest run used: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 01:20:00 +0000
Test runs: 25147
Runs per day: 838.2
Runs by test result: 25147 (100%)

Tests run: 33409788
Tests executed per day: 1113659.5
Tests considered: 35053093 (100%) Tests runs that were aborted: 205 (0.815%)
Total clock time spent running tests: 23476122 sec. (272 days)
Time spent running tests per day: 782537 sec./day (9.1 days/day)
Time spent running per test: 0.703 sec./test
Longest test runs: Shortest test runs: Most number of unique tests attempted in one run by test format: Average number of tests attempted in one run by test format: Number of git commits tested: 233
Number of unique configured test jobs: 142
Runs by CI system: 25147 (100%) Runs by build system: 21991 (100%) Runs by test format: 25147 (100%) Runs by test mode: 22703 (100%) Runs by operating systems: 25147 (100%)